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Instant Gratification Kitchens aims to be a culinary movement encompassing all aspects related to food. With its inception in 2023, we began our journey catering to meal planning. Instant Gratification Kitchens will soon begin to offer commercial kitchen space for private use, cooking classes for all learning levels, and a host of other culinary events.

Why the name "Instant Gratification Kitchens?"

The term “Instant Gratification” often has negative implications behind it. I want to reshape the way you see food. Shifting the narrative on instant gratification as it relates to food involves embracing its positive aspects. Viewing food as a tool for enjoying immediate satisfaction while also recognizing the potential for quick, healthy choices that cater to both physical and mental well-being promotes a balanced and healthy relationship with what we put into our bodies.

Kneading Dough


An Associate Professional Counselor by trade, a self-taught chef, and a fitness enthusiast. His passions, coincidentally, are Food, Fitness, and Mental Health. He has been cooking for the past 10+ years and started Instant Gratification Kitchens in 2023 as a way to tie his passions and calling together. Dotun believes that Food, Fitness and Mental Health are all interconnected pillars of well-being that play pivotal roles positively influencing the overall quality of your life.


 © 2025 The Instant Gratification Kitchen.  Designed by T2 Business Solutions. All Rights Reserved.

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